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Bingo in Las Vegas

Zoom Bingo For Seniors

This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own. Westfield|Featured Event. Zoom Bingo For … Source: Bingo News

Creede Historical News for June 4, 2020

Bingo will follow dinner and the Elks's will donate proceeds from the evening's bingo games for the community Center. Creede graduates 10 Students Source: Bingo…

Pescado Grande sinks due to COVID-19 concerns

The Harbor hopes to have the Designer Purse Bingo sometime this year. Plans are still in place to continue with the Sportsman's Night Out, currently ……

Bingo returns to Brookings

Bingo games will be held on Wednesday and Friday nights for the time being. In order to maintain social distancing and meet CDC guidelines, the ……


… with their grandchildren and social events like bowling, golf and bingo. For some, even getting supplies at the grocery store was difficult and scary.…

CMH Foundation Purse Bingo Postponed

Due to the Covid-19 situation, the Community Memorial Hospital Foundation Purse Bingo has been postponed and rescheduled for Saturday, … Source: Bingo News

CAFE 541: 10 comic books to celebrate Pride

“Bingo Love”. Two teenagers, Hazel Johnson and Mari McCray, first spot each other during church bingo. They become classmates and inseparable … Source: Bingo News

Activity Pages: Story Bingo And More

Activity Pages: Story Bingo And More. June 08, 2020. Seeking even more exciting things to do while you're staying safe at home? Check out our ……